GDAL Option Configuration

GDAL format drivers and some parts of the library are configurable.


ConfigOptions are normally used to alter the default behavior of GDAL and OGR drivers and in some cases the GDAL and OGR core. They are essentially global variables the user can set.

GDAL Example

The following is from GDAL’s test suite.

gdal.SetConfigOption('GTIFF_FORCE_RGBA', 'YES')
ds = gdal.Open('data/stefan_full_greyalpha.tif')
gdal.SetConfigOption('GTIFF_FORCE_RGBA', None)

With GDAL’s C or Python API, you call a function once to set a global configuration option before you need it and once again after you’re through to unset it.

Downsides of this style of configuration include:

  • Options can be configured far from the code they affect.

  • There is no API for finding what options are currently set.

  • If gdal.Open() raises an exception in the code above, the GTIFF_FORCE_RGBA option will not be unset.

That code example can be generalized to multiple options and made to recover better from errors.

options = {'GTIFF_FORCE_RGBA': 'YES'}
for key, val in options.items():
    gdal.SetConfigOption(key, val)
    ds = gdal.Open('data/stefan_full_greyalpha.tif')
    for key, val in options.items():
        gdal.SetConfigOption(key, None)

This is better, but has a lot of boilerplate. Rasterio uses elements of Python syntax, keyword arguments and the with statement, to make this cleaner and easier to use.


with rasterio.Env(GTIFF_FORCE_RGBA=True, CPL_DEBUG=True):
    with'data/stefan_full_greyalpha.tif') as dataset:
       # Suite of code accessing dataset ``ds`` follows...

The object returned when you call rasterio.Env is a context manager. It handles the GDAL configuration for a specific block of code and resets the configuration when the block exits for any reason, success or failure. The Rasterio with rasterio.Env() pattern organizes GDAL configuration into single statements and makes its relationship to a block of code clear.

If you want to know what options are configured at any time, you could bind it to a name like so.

with rasterio.Env(GTIFF_FORCE_RGBA=True, CPL_DEBUG=True) as env:
    for key, val in env.options.items():
        print(key, val)

# Prints:
# ('CPL_DEBUG', True)

When to use rasterio.Env()

Rasterio code is often without the use of an Env context block. For instance, you could use directly without explicity creating an Env. In that case, the open() function will initialize a default environment in which to execute the code. Often this default environment is sufficient for most use cases and you only need to create an explicit Env if you are customizing the default GDAL or format options.